Arbitration is one of the most effective means of resolving disputes instead of resorting to the judiciary, as arbitration is characterized by speed in litigation and also in implementation. Arbitration also gives the parties to the dispute the freedom to determine the law that the arbitration body must apply to the subject of the dispute.
Arbitration is as old as time, and Islam has permitted it. Perhaps one of the most prominent forms of arbitration in Islam is arbitration when a dispute breaks out between spouses, as God Almighty says: “And if you fear a rift between them, then send an arbitrator from his family and an arbitrator from her family. If they desire reconciliation, God will reconcile them. Indeed, God is All-Knowing.” An expert” (35) Surah An-Nisa.
The office of Jafran Bin Badr Al-Fagham Law Firm and Legal Consultations plays the role of arbitrator in many disputes, as it is accredited and the office has previously initiated several arbitration cases in various fields. Hence, one can resort to the office to request its arbitration in any dispute that may arise regarding any subject, as a selected group of arbitrators is used in various civil, commercial, economic and other fields.
The arbitration department in the office also organizes and sponsors training courses and seminars in the field of arbitration in all disputes (banking, real estate, construction, contracting, investment, securities, communications, etc.).